I’ve been painting in oils since I was 8 years old. It’s what I’ve done for many decades. I grew up among artists and musicians and was fortunate to have been mentored by Fauvists, Avant-gardists, Academicians, Portrait Painters, Modernists, Abstract Expressionists, sculptors and printers. My art life began in my earliest years and exposure to all the genres and their practitioners has had a lasting effect on my work. My appreciation for the artists’ visual experience is very broad and I like to work in several genres. Each has a different emotional signature both for the artist and the beholder.
Museum & Public Collections
New Dominion Corporation, Tulsa,OK
Old Jail House Museum, Albany TX.
Square House Museum, Panhandle, TX.
James M. Good Portrait Collection, Washington, DC
Diplomat Hotel, Hollywood, Fla.
The Fire House Collection, Taos, NM.
The Lineberry Museum. Taos, NM.
The Holy Cross Hospital Art Collection, Taos, NM.
Selected Solo Exhibitions (since 2000):
2015 Taos Art Museum, Thirty-year retrospective exhibition.
2014 M.A.Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok
2014 Wilder Nightingale Gallery, Taos, NM. The Fringes of Beauty, the Grotesque Paintings.
2012 M.A.Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok
2010 M.A.Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok
2008 M.A.Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok.
2006 M.A.Doran Gallery, Tulsa,Ok.
2005 ArtSpace 116, Albuquerque, Nm. 2004 Galerie Timothy Tew, Atlanta,Ga. M.A.Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok.
2003 Blue Rain Gallery, Taos, NM.
2002 M.A.Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok.
2000 M.A.Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok.
Selected Group Exhibitions (since 2000):
2016 Vignettes Show,M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok.
2015 Wilder Nightingale Gallery, Taos, NM. M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok.
mDAC Exhibition, Palo Alto Art Center,Ca.International juried exhibition, Second Place Winner.
2014 M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok. Artists Self Portraits, TCA Encore Gallery, Taos, NM Wilder Nightingale Gallery, Taos, NM.
2013 M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok. Artists Self Portraits, TCA Encore Gallery, Taos, NM Wilder Nightingale Gallery, Taos, NM.
2012 M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok. Artists Self Portraits, TCA Encore Gallery, Taos, NM Wilder Nightingale Gallery, Taos, NM.
2011 M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok. Brazos Fine Arts, Taos, NM. 2010 Brazos Fine Arts, Taos, NM. M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok. 2009 Brazos Fine Arts, Taos, NM. M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok.
2008 Brazos Fine Arts, Taos, NM. M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok. International Museum of Art and Science, McAllen, Tx. 2007 M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok.
2006 M.A.Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok. R.B.Ravens Gallery, 4 Israeli Artists, Taos, NM. Taos Invites Taos, Taos, NM. The Fechin Museum, benefit show, Taos,NM. Galerie Timothy Tew, Atlanta, Ga.
2005 M.A.Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok. Galerie Timothy Tew, Atlanta, Ga.
2004 M.A.Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok. Galerie Timothy Tew, Atlanta, Ga. Tupelo Road Gallery, Taos, Nm.
2003 Cline Fine Arts, Santa Fe, NM. M.A.Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Ok. Galerie Timothy Tew, Atlanta, Ga.
Blue Rain Gallery, Taos, Nm.
2002 Cline Fine Arts, Santa Fe, Nm.
Galerie Timothy Tew, Atlanta, Ga. M.A.Doran Gallery, Tulsa,Ok.
Horizon Arts, Taos, Nm.
2001 Miller Gallery, Cincinnati, Oh
Galerie Timothy Tew, Atlanta, Ga. M.A.Doran Gallery, Tulsa,OK.
2000 Galerie Timothy Tew, Atlanta, Ga Miller Gallery, Cincinnati OH M.A.Doran Gallery, Tulsa,OK
Selected Articles & Reviews (since 2003):
2015 Sept; Tempo, Taos News-"Giving into total abandon.
2014March; Tempo, Taos News-“Eye of the Beholder” the Grotesque Paintings
2009 Featured Poster Artist Town of Taos “Summer of Love”
2008 Charles Faudree Interiors, Faudree, Van Deventer
2006 Tempo, Taos News- Four Israeli Artists
2004 Southwest Art magazine, In the Abstract by Richard Mahler
2003 Tempo, Taos News, Matter of Relationships by Phaedra Greenwood
Teaching Experience (since 2006):
2015 Taos Toolbox MakerSpace, iPad painting demo
2014 Taos Art Museum, iPad painting demo 2013 iPad Painting, Urban Furnishings, Tulsa Ok.
2012 NonObjective Painting,TGAS, Tulsa Ok.
2010 Color and Imagination, Marble Falls, Tx
2006 Alla Prima Portraiture,The Philbrook Museum, Tulsa, Ok.
The language of my work derives from my environment, the foothills and mountains of the Sangre de Christos around Taos, the Gorge and its rock formations. The sage, rocks, acequias near my home, the creatures of the land, air and water and their shapes and colors. There is sunlight, hot as a furnace, and winds from the high desert. The suddenly cool evenings and the blazing Milky Way to light the night. This is an unpaved place, barely tame. Senses are pitched higher and the eye can see great distances. An isolated rain cloud, pouring rain in a fragrant swath across a dry land. Rainbows with Ravens flying through them. All these elements somehow conspire to come into a new being in my paintings. In this way my paintings can be seen as organic and reflective of the natural world.