Diane Walker-Gladney



Diane Walker-Gladney is a contemporary painter whose work is often noted for its use of color, intricate layers and playful content. A native of Connecticut with her Master's degree in Art, Diane is an accomplished painter whose work has been featured at the Longview Museum of Fine Arts, as well as in Modern Luxury Dallas magazine, and the 24th edition of New American Paintings. Her pieces can be found in numerous public and private collections including the Denton Public Art Project and Longview Museum of Fine Art. She is represented by M.A. Doran Gallery in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and was named a Hunting Art Prize finalist three times.



            M.S. Art, Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT

            B.S. Art, Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, CT


Museum Exhibitions

            The Ascension of Dick and Jane, Longview Museum of Fine Arts,    Longview TX, 2013


Museum Collections

            Longview Museum of Fine Arts, Longview, TX


Public Works Acquisitions

            City of Denton Public Works Project, 2011


Gallery Affiliation

            M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, Oklahoma


Solo Exhibitions

            Atypical Participation, Southeastern OK State University, Durant, OK

            Diane Walker-Gladney: Tales Told/ Retold, RO2 Gallery, Dallas, TX

            Diary Entries, Mesquite Arts Center, Mesquite, TX

            Diane Walker-Gladney: Recollections and Abstractions, MCL Grand   Gallery, Lewisville, TX

            New Work, Duncan and Miller Gallery, Washington, DC

            Chapter Two, Page One, Mesquite Arts Center, Mesquite, TX

            Dick and Jane: A Narrative, Norwood Flynn Gallery, Dallas, TX

            Dick and Jane, Fort Worth Community Arts Center, Fort Worth, TX

            Documentary Evidence, Mesquite Arts Center, Mesquite, TX

            Hall Walls, Dallas Contemporary Art Center, Dallas, TX

            Documentation Series, Gough Gallery, Center for Visual Art, Denton, TX

            Contemplative Markings, Fort Worth Community Arts, Fort Worth, TX

            Resonance, Mesquite Arts Center, Mesquite, TX

            Underpinnings, Southeastern Oklahoma State University, Durant, OK

            Interval, Trinity River Arts Center, Dallas, TX

           Instructional Data, East Gallery, Center for the Visual Arts, Denton, TX

            Domestication, GTE Gallery, Irving, TX

            Patterns, Northlake Community College Gallery, Irving, TX

            Road Art Series, Mesquite Art Center, Mesquite, TX

Curated Group Exhibitions


2017   Recollective: Works by Diane Walker-Gladney, Fannie Brito and Teri

            Muse, Bath House Cultural Center, Dallas, TX

2016   Elements of (Non) Fiction: Work by Diane Walker-Gladney and Gale          Gibbs, Irving Art Center, Irving, TX

            Out For Summer Vacation, Art 7 Gallery/FWCAC, Fort Worth, TX

            Somewhere In The Dark, Art 7 Gallery/FWCAC, Fort Worth, TX

            Little and Fierce, Art 7 Gallery, FWCAC, Fort Worth,TX

2015   Small Works Show, M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, OK

2013   Group Show, M.A. Doran Galley, Tulsa, OK

2012   Hunting Art Prize Exhibition, Houston, TX

            Group Show, Norwood Flynn Gallery, Dallas, TX

            Group Show, M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, OK

            Small Works Show, M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, OK

2011   Group Show, M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa OK

2010   Small Works Show, M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, OK

            Group Show, M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa OK

2009  Hunting Art Prize Exhibition, Houston, TX

            Small Works Show, M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, OK

            Group Show, M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa OK

2008   Craighead-Green Gallery Group Exhibition, Craighead-Green Gallery,         Dallas, TX

            M.A. Doran Small Works Exhibition, M.A. Doran Gallery, Tulsa, OK  

2007   Hunting Art Prize Exhibition, Houston, TX

2006   Longview Museum 44th Invitational, Longview Museum, Longview, TX     

            New Works, Diane Walker-Gladney, Jeanie Gooden and Jack Hammack,             Craighead-Green Gallery, Dallas, TX

            Texas Visual Arts Association Signature Exhibition, Eiseman Center,          Richardson,    TX

2005   Intersection: Works by Ian O’Brien and Diane Walker-Gladney, University             of North Texas, Denton, TX

            Gallery Artist Exhibition, Craighead-Green Gallery, Dallas, TX

2004   New Works: Diane Walker-Gladney and Scott Parker, Craighead-Green     Gallery, Dallas, TX

            100 Drawings, University of Dallas, Haggar Gallery, Dallas, TX

2003   Paintings and Prints, Irving Art Center, Irving, TX

            Elemental, The Bath House Cultural Center, Dallas, TX

            Submerged 2, The Bath House Cultural Center, Dallas, TX

2002   Submerged, University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX

            Dia De Los Muertos, Bath House Cultural Center, Dallas, TX

2000   Plunge, Haggar Gallery, Dallas, TX

            Red Hot, Arlington Museum of Art, Arlington, TX

            SIBA Internationale Des Beaux Arts, Paris, France

1999   Six, Haggar Gallery, Dallas, TX

            Beauty, Arlington Museum of Art, Arlington, TX

1998   Art for the Good Times, Arlington Museum of Art, Arlington, TX,

            Neiman Marcus, Dallas, TX


Selected Juried Exhibitions


2017   Artspace 111 Juried Exhibition, Fort Worth, TX

2014   Art In The Metroplex, Fort Worth Community Art Center, Fort Worth, TX

            125 Mile Exhibition, Gough Gallery, Center for the Visual Arts, Denton, TX

2013   45th Annual National Arts Exhibition, Meadows Gallery Denton, TX

            125 Mile Exhibition, Gough Gallery, Center for the Visual Arts, Denton, TX

2011   43rd Annual National Arts Exhibition, Meadows Gallery, Denton, TX

            125 Mile Exhibition, Texas Women’s University, Denton, TX

2010   Art In Action, HCC Northline Gallery, Houston, TX

            125 Mile Exhibition, Texas Women’s University, Denton, TX

2009   125 Mile Exhibition, Texas Women’s University, Denton, TX

2008   125 Mile Exhibition, Texas Women’s University, Denton, TX

2007   VAST, Meadows Gallery, Center for the Visual Arts, Denton, TX

2006   VAST, Meadows Gallery, Center for the Visual Arts, Denton, TX

2004   VAST, Meadows Gallery, Center for the Visual Arts, Denton, TX

2003   Expo 2003, 500X Gallery, Dallas, TX\

2002   Art in the Metroplex, TCU Moudy Gallery, Fort Worth, TX

            Expo 2003, 500 X Gallery, Dallas, TX

            Viewpoints, Main Street Art Center, Lewisville, TX

            34th Annual Fine Arts Exhibition, Meadows Gallery, Center for Visual

            Arts, Denton, TX

2001   Critic’s Choice, Dallas Visual Art Center Dallas, TX

            Art in the Metroplex, TCU Moudy Gallery, Fort Worth, TX

            33rd Annual Fine Arts Exhibition, Meadows Gallery, Center for Visual          Arts, Denton, TX

2000   Viewpoints, Main Street Art Center, Lewisville, TX

1999   Art in the Metroplex, TCU Moudy Gallery, Fort Worth, TX

            McKinney Avenue Contemporary Juried Exhibition, MAC Gallery, Dallas, TX      

Assemblage Art Awards, Irving Art Center, Irving TX

Citation 99, TVAA, San Jacinto Towers, Dallas, TX

31st Annual Fine Arts Exhibition, Meadows Gallery, Center for Visual Arts, Denton, TX

1998   Critic’s Choice, Dallas Visual Art Center, Dallas, TX

            Expo 98, 500X Gallery, Dallas, TX

New Texas Talent, Craighead-Green Gallery, Dallas, TX

Viewpoints, Main Street Art Center, Lewisville, TX

30th Annual Juried Fine Arts Exhibition, Meadows Gallery, Denton, TX

Citation 98, San Jacinto Tower, TVAA, Dallas, TX

TVAA Regional Open Exhibition, Plano Municipal Center, Plano, TX

1st Annual Juried Membership Exhibition, Main Street Art Center, Lewisville, TX

1997   Art in the Metroplex, TCU Moudy Gallery, Fort Worth, TX

            Citation 97, TVAA, San Jacinto Tower, Dallas, TX

            Viewpoints 97, Main Street Art Center, Lewisville, TX

            29th Annual Juried Fine Arts Exhibition, Meadows Gallery, Denton, TX        

1996   Breaking The Roles, Dallas Women’s Caucus for The Arts, Trammel Crow   Gallery, Dallas, TX

Citation 96, TVAA, San Jacinto Tower, Dallas, TX

TVAA Regional Open Exhibition, Dallas City Hall, Dallas, TX

28th Annual Juried Fine Arts Exhibition, Meadows Gallery, Denton, TX

1995   President’s Exhibition, East Gallery, Denton, TX

SWS 32nd Annual Membership Exhibition, Dallas Visual Art Center, Dallas, TX

1994   The Assemblage Award for Excellence in Art, Dallas Visual Art Center,        Dallas,TX,

TVAA 19th Annual National Open Exhibition, Irving Art Center, Irving, TX

26th Annual Juried Fine Arts Exhibition, Meadows Gallery, Denton, TX

31st Annual Juried Membership Exhibition, Dallas Visual Art Center, Dallas, TX

President’s Exhibition, East Gallery, Center for Visual Arts, Denton, TX

25th Annual Juried Fine Arts Exhibition, Meadows Gallery, Denton, TX

Oklahoma Art Workshop Exhibition, O.A.W. Studio, Tulsa, OK

President’s Exhibition, East Gallery, Denton, TX

1993   25th Annual Juried Fine Arts Exhibition, Meadows Gallery, Denton, TX

            Oklahoma Art Workshop Exhibition, O.A.W. Studio, Tulsa Oklahoma

            President’s Exhibition, East Gallery, Center for Visual Arts. Denton, TX

1992   Conflicts and Solutions, Dallas Woman’s Caucus For The Arts, Trammel       Crow Gallery, Dallas, TX

TWS 43rd Annual Exhibition, Michelson-Reves Museum, Scurry Museum, McAllen International Museum, Museum of the Southwest, Kirpatrick Museum Complex, Health and Science Center of San Antonio

24th Annual Fine Arts Exhibition, Meadows Gallery, Denton, TX

Texas and Neighbors Exhibition, Irving Art Center, Irving TX

29th Annual Exhibition, Dallas Visual Art Center, Dallas, TX

1st Annual National Juried Competition, Carillon Gallery, Fort Worth, TX

President’s Exhibition, East Gallery, Center for Visual Arts, Denton, TX



            Hunting Art Prize Finalist, Houston, TX, 2012

            Hunting Art Prize Finalist, Houston, TX, 2009

            Hunting Art Prize Finalist, Houston, TX, 2007

            Critic’s Choice Award, The Contemporary, Dallas, TX, 2003

            The Assemblage Award for Excellence in Art, Dallas Visual Art Center,           Dallas, TX, 1994

           Artistic Merit Award given by Shirley Reece- Hughes, Curator of Painting    

           and sculpture at the Amon Carter Museum, Artspace 111, Fort Worth, TX

           Best of Show, Main St. Art Center, Lewisville, TX, 2002

            Best of Show, Meadows Gallery, Center for Visual Arts, Denton, TX, 2002

            Best of Show, San Jacinto Tower, Dallas, TX, 1996

            Artist's Magazine National Art Competition, Honorable Mention, 1993

            Visual Art Society of Texas, $500 award, Center for the Visual Arts,    Denton, TX, 2004

            Second Place, Meadows Gallery, Denton, TX, 1992

            Merit Award, VAST National Exhibition, Denton TX, 2011

            Artist Merit Award, Expo 98, 500X Gallery, Dallas, Texas, 1998

            1st Place Merit Award, Main St Art Center, Lewisville, TX, 1998

            Daler-Rowney Award, Center for the Visual Arts, Denton, TX, 2001

            Juror's Award, Main St. Art Center, Lewisville, TX, 1997

            North Lake College Solo Exhibition, Trammel Crow Gallery, Dallas, TX, 96

            Asel Art Award, Dallas City Hall, Dallas, TX, 1996

            President's Merit Award, Center for the Visual Arts, Denton, TX,1997

            SBS Award, Meadows Gallery, Denton, TX, 1997

            President's Merit Award, Center for the Visual Arts, Denton, TX, 1994

            John Weber Inc. Award, Gough Gallery, Denton, TX 2014

            Myrna Brown Interiors Award, Meadows Gallery, Denton, TX, 1993

            Denton Bank of Texas Award, Meadows Gallery, Denton, TX, 1992

            Jeffries Award, Meadows Gallery, Denton, TX, 1991

            4th Place, 125 Mile Exhibition, TWU, Denton, TX, 2011

            Third Place, The Woodlands, TX, 1989

            Third Place, San Diego, CA, 1988

            Honorable Mention, 125 Mile Exhibition, TWU, Denton, TX, 2011



            New American Paintings, Volume 24, Open Studio Press, 1999

            Modern Luxury Magazine, Dallas, May 2013 Too Cool For School. Steve   Carter

            Passion . Art, Community, Denton Texas in Word and Image, Karla K.             Morton, Publisher, City of Denton, 2012


Television and Video

            KXII-TV Channel 12, Interview Underpinnings, 1/27/04, Diana Zogo

            The Summer Show, Dallas Center for Contemporary Art, Summer 04



            Naturable Beauty, The News Connection, Oct 28, 2005, Joanne McDonald

            Bath House Elemental, Dallas Arts Revue, J. R.  Compton, 2003

          “Submerged at the Bath House” Dallas Arts Revue, J.R.Compton, Jan.           2003

            “Submerged, artists reveal what lies beneath the surface of their works,           UTD Mercury, June 8, 2002

            Bath House’s Dead Day is Lively”, Dallas Arts Revue, J.R. Compton, 2002

            Villeco, Tracy, “Haggerty exhibition plunges into new art for artists         previously exhibited on campus“, University News, University of             Dallas, Sept. 20, 2000

            “Fighting the Pollock Syndrome”, Denton Record Chronicle, June 7, 2001

            “If only we could see what the judges didn’t like” Fort Worth Star           Telegram, Nov. 28,1999

Window Treatments, Exhibition Gets Prime Display Space at Neiman Marcus, Dallas Morning News, 1998

Local Color, Area Artists Dominate New Texas Talent Show, Dallas Morning News, 1998

Twelve New Texas Talents, Dallas Morning News, August 12, 1998

Brushstrokes, Artist Spotlight, Jan. 99

The Artist's Magazine, Dec. 1993


Selected Collectors

Toni Sikes, President, Guild.com, Madison WI

Amy Rhilinger, Circulation Manager, New American Paintings, MA

Dr. John Bertrand, Dallas, TX

Dr. Brian Feagins, Dallas, TX

Faukner Design Group, Dallas, TX

Western Rehabilitation Institute, Sandy, UT

Your World Now Corporation, Long Beach, CA.

Scot Presley, Craighead-Green Gallery, Dallas, TX

Thomas Black, Attorney At Law, Lewisville, TX

West Carolina Women’s Specialty Center, North Carolina

Coram Deo Academy, Flower Mound, TX

Darryl Chinn Architects, Sacramento CA

Glast, Phillips & Murray, Attorneys at Law, Dallas TX


My work is based on memory and the notion that certain events, moments or conversations embed themselves in our consciousness while others simply flow through. I am fascinated with the idea that although we are inundated with multitudes of experiences, it is only a select few that remain with visceral integrity. My work examines snippets of memory, attending to each no matter how momentous or inconsequential.  I am especially attracted to celebrating occurrences and conversations that would in a usual sense go unnoticed.

Each piece begins with a stream of consciousness drawing representing a particular memory. Layers of glazes are added obliterating some markings and giving preference to others. These glazes add a multidimensional quality and are symbolically significant in representing the passage of time.

Associated Exhibitions

February 13 - March 13, 2025
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November 20, 2024 - February 4, 2025
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Featuring new works by gallery artists.
August 23 - October 3, 2024
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February 9 - March 8, 2024
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A Group Show Featuring Abstract and Non-Objective Artwork.
August 31 - October 13, 2023
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A Group Show of Gallery & Guest Artists
February 9 - March 31, 2023
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A Group Show of Gallery and Guest Artists
November 17, 2022 - February 2, 2023
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Lines in Space and Time
August 18 - September 30, 2022
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February 5 - March 3, 2022
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A group show featuring gallery and guest artists.
November 30 - December 24, 2021
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Featuring Brad Ellis and New Abstract Work
September 9 - October 22, 2021
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