Art Basel 36
15-20 June 2005DEMO Gallery will be exhibiting in Switzerland at the prestigious Art Basel 36. Art Basel, the international art show, welcomes art lovers from all over the world to Basel, in the heart of Europe, from June 15 to 20, 2005.
The annual Art Basel in June is the world’s premier fair for 20th- and 21st-century art. Leading galleries from all the continents bring over 5,000 works by 1,500 artists to it. 50,000 art collectors, art dealers, artists, curators, journalists and art lovers take part in the annual family reunion of the art world. They come to see the most rigorously juried selection of what the international art market has to offer, and to meet the insiders and stars of the art scene. Art Basel is unique for the high quality and unparalleled variety of works on display.
The New York Times calls Art Basel the “Olympics of the Art World”. According to a Paris daily, “Art Basel a définitivement un status hors normes,” and the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung describes the international art show as “Die Kunst als Naturgewalt oder Besser geht’s nicht.”